Why Travel Matters


Travel“late 14c., ‘to journey,’ from travailen (1300)”
Matyr:  “combining form meaning ‘mother,’ from Latin mater”

There is nothing more invigorating than landing in a new country—the smells and sounds of the airport as you clear customs; planting your feet the next morning, local coffee brewing and a new place waiting to be explored.

Travel is a gift—a way to see the World with a new perspective, with different sounds, mind-boggling views and new customs to bring home.

It is my husband, Michael, and my greatest joy to be able to share this gift with our son, McLean.  As he grows, he is learning to love this amazing planet as much as we do (maybe with even MORE gusto).  I couldn’t be prouder of the World citizen he is becoming. 

While I feel like it goes without saying, I will say it anyway:  everyone’s idea of awesome travel is different.  Our family travel philosophy is based on visiting as many different places as we can manage and to really SEE each location.  This may result in several trips to the same destinations so that we get the chance to sample local culture and find our way off the beaten path.  We certainly go to some of the World’s most popular destinations, but when we do so, we try to put our own spin on things.

This blog is a collection of our travel musings from OUR family’s perspective.  I try here to include:

  • Tips on where to find the best stuff (from sites to shopping & kid-friendly food to hidden natural spots and random little towns)
  • How to avoid pitfalls (many of which we failed to avoid!!!) AND
  • How to maximize your travel experience so that you will be able to bring home your own authentic experiences.

I am a huge fan of many travel blogs and gather lots of my travel ideas and location inspiration from them.  Travel Matyr is my attempt to contribute to this community.  Many of the tips and pointers (and some awesome photography) come from McLean (who at the time of this writing is 11).  He has a LOT to say about the places we stay.

Life is a journey and it’s SO much more exciting when you get to live it accordingly.  Come join the journey with us!

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